Acromine software


Acromine is a system for building a good quality acronym dictionary from running text. Assuming a word sequence co-occurring frequently with a parenthetical expression to be a potential expanded form, Acromine identifies acronym definitions in a similar manner to a statistical term recognition. Applied to the whole MEDLINE (7,811,582 abstracts) as of March 2006, Acromine extracted 920,425 acronym candidates and recognized 157,803 expanded forms in reasonable time (ca. 12 hours on a personal computer). This system achieves 99% precision and 82–95% recall on our evaluation corpus that roughly emulates the whole MEDLINE (Figure 1).

Please refer to the following paper for more detail.

You can try Acromine Acronym Dictionary at our demonstration site.

Performance on Acromine 'Random' Corpus

Figure 1. Performance on Acromine 'Random' Corpus


This section describes a tutorial to apply Acromine to the whole MEDLINE database.

Building a shortform database

The first step is to enumerate all short forms in a target text which are likely to be acronyms. All sentences containing a short form are inserted to an intermediate database for efficient access by later processes. Given a target text, we regard parenthetical expressions as short forms if all of the following conditions are met:

  • they consist of at most two words
  • their length is between two to ten characters
  • they contain at least an alphabetic letter
  • the first character is alphanumeric

To process MEDLINE XML files (*.xml.gz in this example) in the current directory, type the following command to construct a database acromine.shortform.db.

$ gzip -dc *.xml.gz | acromine_source_medline | acromine_shortform -c -d acromin

The first process gzip decompress *.xml.gz files and sends their contents to the second process. The second process acromine_source_medline sends the content of <AbstractText> and <ArticleTitle> elements to the third process. The third process acromine_shortform recognizes short forms in the source text and stores contextual sentences of the short forms to a database.

Note that it takes time to process a huge amount of text. It took about 6 hours for Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.40GHz, L2 4MB) processor with 2GB main memory to process the whole MEDLINE.

Using the shortform database

Once a shortform database is ready, acromine_shortform utility can retrieve all contextual sentences for a short form. For example, to retrieve all contextual sentences with the short form HMM, type the following command:

$ acromine_shortform --silent -d acromine.shortform.db -s HMM
HMM     261     264     3512306:ABST:0_324      Limited proteolysis has been use
d to study the influence of actin, in the absence or presence of regulatory prot
eins of the thin filament (tropomyosin and troponin), as well as that of the myo
fibrillar structure on the tryptic cleavage of the heavy meromyosin (HMM)/light
meromyosin (LMM) hinge region in myosin heavy chain.
HMM     263     266     10613897:ABST:0_307     The structural basis for the pho
sphoryla- tion-dependent regulation of smooth muscle myosin ATPase activity was
investigated by forming two- dimensional (2-D) crystalline arrays of expressed u
nphosphorylated and thiophosphorylated smooth muscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) on p
ositively charged lipid monolayers.
HMM     13      16      2500343:ABST:355_455    Altretamine (HMM) (150 mg/m2) wa
s administered orally days 2-8, therapy being resumed every 29 days.
HMM     14      17      131797:ABST:0_68        H-Meromyosin (HMM) was digested
with insoluble papain [EC].
HMM     271     274     6325466:ABST:0_300      Sixty-eight patients with "advan
ced ovarian carcinoma" were entered into an ongoing phase-II trial for remission
 induction with cis-platinum (DDP) 80 mg/m2 i.v. on day 1 followed by forced sal
ine diuresis, melphalan (L-PAM) 12 mg/m2 i.v. on day 2 and hexamethylmelamine (H
MM) 130 mg/m2 p.o.
HMM     18      21      236667:ABST:527_627     Heavy meromyosin (HMM) from cond
itioned hearts had a higher Ca++-ATPase activity than from controls.

Each line in the output consists of five fields separated by tab characters:

  1. the target acronym,
  2. begin offset position, in bytes, of the acronym in the contextual sentence,
  3. end offset position, in bytes, of the acronym in the contextual sentence,
  4. PMID with begin/end offset positions, in bytes, of the contextual sentence in <AbstractText> or <ArticleTitle> XML element,
  5. the contextual sentence.

acromine_shortform utility also can enumerate all short forms stored in a database.

$ acromine_shortform -d acromine.shortform.db -l | sort -nr
54833   II
32921   CT
31294   III
27340   P<0.05
27016   PCR
24783   NO
20521   HIV
19154   LPS
19056   RA
18780   MRI
17721   P<0.001
17528   ELISA
17348   AD
16443   SD
16363   IV
15318   BP
14697   CSF
14691   MR
14642   P<0.01
14610   IL
14592   CNS
13557   PKC
13253   RT-PCR
13211   CONTROL

Note that sort command, which arranges lines in numerical order, is not a standard command on Windows environments but from Cygwin package. Each line in the output consists of two fields separated by a tab character:

  1. frequency of occurrence of a short form,
  2. the short form.

Extracting long forms for a short form

Finally, to extract long forms for a short form, run acromine_shortform to collect contextual sentences for the short form and acromine_longform to recognize long forms in the sentences. The following command extracts long forms for the short form HMM.

$ acromine_shortform --silent -d acromine.shortform.db -s HMM | acromine_longfor
Acromine Longform Extractor version 1.0  Copyright (c) 2006 by N. Okazaki

Shortform: HMM
Candidates: 4326 entries generated.
Scoring: done.

HMM     heavy meromyosin        238.983 245
HMM     H-meromyosin    5       6
HMM     hexamethylmelamine      52.9565 55
HMM     hidden Markov model     113.547 116
HMM     high molecular mass     27.9286 29
HMM     human monocyte-macrophages      4       5
HMM     human monocyte-derived macrophages      3       4
HMM     human malignant mesothelioma    2       3
HMM     hydroxymethylmexiletine 4.25    8

The utility acromine_longform outputs the recognition results to STDOUT. Each line of the output consists of four fields separated by tab characters:

  1. short form,
  2. long form,
  3. long form likelihood,
  4. frequency of occurrence of the short/long-form pair.

Iterating this process for all short forms yields a comprehensive acronym dictionary.


Acromine software utilizes following libraries: